Our Class Calendar

Friday, July 29, 2011


Dear Class,

I am really unsure currently on how else I can remind you on your mistakes.
Today you had witnessed something that was very disappointing.
I had to take all the time in the world to repeat all over again all those things that you should have done.

Now, as I am marking your corrections for Unit 8 and 9, I become even more disappointed and clueless. Almost half of the class, had not DONE the corrections!
I have given you 6 days to finish up the corrections but still some people didn't even bother to do it!
WHY? What else you want me to do to ensure that you do your things?
Isn't it not enough to have more than 1 modes of reminder?
Most of you are quick to judge others when they are wrong, but now realise and wake up!
You are the ones having problems especially in respecting and punctuality.

Please realise this: All these works that we gave you is for your own good. It is to help you to achieve your academic excellence. But what is academic excellence if there are no morals and values.

Remember Monday- All for One, One for All.

Your Teacher,
Mr Ashraf

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